Error handling in PingID SDK

Errors generated by an API should return a response payload formatted as per the schema below. Errors generated by a PingID SDK API should allow the developer to resolve specific errors programmatically.

An error response consists of:

  • A highlevel error code that must be handled by the customer server.
  • (Optional) A details element that contains specific information on how to resolve the fault.

Error representation

Attribute Required Description



A unique identifier that is stored in log files that can be used to track the error received on the customer server with server-side activity for troubleshooting purposes.



General fault code which the customer server must handle to provide all exception handling routines and to localize messages to end users.

Top level error handling must be implemented by the customer server developer. The top level error codes are listed below.



Short description of the error. This message is intended to assist the developer with debugging, and is returned in English only.



The item that caused the error. For example, a form field id or an attribute inside a JSON object.



Additional details about the error. This provides further information to the user about the error, and provides the customer server developer more detailed error messages to help resolve the error, and to display to the end users.

Errors described inside the “details” object are optional, and may be implemented by the customer server or API developer.

See the “details” object structure below.

“details” object representation

The “details” object is array of objects. Each object may contain the following attributes:

Attribute Required Description



Refer to the detailed error codes listed below.



Short description of the error. This message is intended to assist the developer with debugging, and is returned in English only.



The item that caused the error. For example, a form field id or an attribute inside a JSON object.

Top level error codes

These codes must be handled by all customer servers. Where not specified, a response code of 400 should be returned.

Code HTTP status code Description


403 (Forbidden)

This status can be returned under the following circumstances:

  • PingID SDK voice and SMS services have been disabled.
  • PingID SDK services have been disabled.


400 (Bad Request)

A valid request was received, however the request could not be completed as there were one or more validation errors with the contents of the request.


400 (Bad Request)

The request was invalid and could not be executed. For example a POST request was made without a body.


404 Not Found

The requested resource does not exist.


400 (Bad Request)

A valid request was received, however the operation could not be completed due to an issue during the request.


401 Unauthorized

The requestor does not have valid authentication credentials to complete the request.


500 Internal Server Error

An unexpected server error occurred.

Detailed error codes

These codes are optional for a customer server to handle, and are “child” errors of top level error codes nested in the “details” attribute of the error. These values provide the developer with hints on how to resolve errors.

Code Description


This application is marked as disabled.


A customer tried to share an application between 2 tenants, but the provided application id doesn’t exist.


This error is returned when an action on a resource failed, because the resource is canceled. For example, attempting to cancel an authentication token which was already canceled.


This error is returned when an action on a resource failed, because the resource is claimed. For example, attempting to cancel an authentication token which was already claimed.


This internal error code appears in 2 cases:

  1. When a customer server is trying to create a registration token for a blocked device.
  2. When a user tries to authenticate from an accessing device, but this device is marked as blocked.


This internal error code appears in 2 cases:

  1. When a customer server is trying to create a registration token for an ignored device.
  2. When a user tries to authenticate from an accessing device, but this device is marked as ignored.


The user’s device is detected as having been rooted or jailbroken.


This error may occur in 2 scenarios:

  1. A user tried to pair an email device when email pairing is disabled for the application.
  2. The admin disabled email as an alternate authentication method. After this change it can take up to 2 minutes until all users are unpaired from the email devices. If during these 2 minutes users attempt to authenticate using their email devices, this error will be triggered.


NULL value supplied


Credentials for the FCM service are not valid.


Request is made on / by an account that is not verified or has been suspended.


Received a value, but this value does not match the pattern.


A customer tried to upload an invalid Production iOS Certificate for Apple Push Notification Service to the PingID SDK server.


A customer tried to upload an invalid Sandbox iOS Certificate for Apple Push Notification Service to the PingID SDK server.


A customer tried to create a registration token via the REST API for an active user.


Value is invalid due to validation rules.


This error is returned when attempting to create an authentication token for a user who has no mobile app devices.


Request references a resource that does not exist.


Value is out of range.


A customer tried to upload an expired Production iOS Certificate for Apple Push Notification Service to the PingID SDK server.


There is a problem with the connection to Apple Push Notification Server (Production). There is the possibility that the certificate was revoked.


Required attribute was omitted in request.


A customer server tried to create a resource that already exists.


User tried to use a resource, but this resource is already in use.


User reached the maximum permitted number of incorrect retry attempts, for example, by entering 3 incorrect OTPs in succession.


A customer tried to upload an expired Sandbox iOS Certificate for Apple Push Notification Service to the PingID SDK server.


There is a problem with the connection to Apple Push Notification Server (Sandbox). There is the possibility that the certificate was revoked.


An error with the service occurred.


Value is too large for the attribute.


A user tried to pair an SMS device, or authenticate with an SMS device, when SMS pairing and authentication is disabled for the application. Refer to Update a PingID SDK app’s configuration for details.


This internal error indicates that the SMS and Voice daily authentication quota was exceeded for the account or for the user.


PingID SDK voice and SMS services have been disabled.


A user reinstalled an app on a device, and then using that device, attempted to authenticate another device.


Value should be unique.


User marked as suspended.


This error is returned when an action failed, because the user is not active (has no devices). For example, when attempting to create a QR code for a non-active user.


A user tried to pair a voice device, or authenticate with an voice device, when voice pairing and authentication is disabled for the application. Refer to Update a PingID SDK app’s configuration for details.


This internal error indicates that the SMS and Voice daily authentication quota was exceeded for the account or for the user.

Error handling examples

General error example

"id" : "abcd123qwe",
"code" : "INVALID_DATA",
"message" : "The data provided was invalid",
"details" : [
  "code" : "EMPTY_VALUE",
  "target" : "givenName",
  "message" : "Given name can not be empty."
  "code" : "OUT_OF_RANGE",
  "target" : "age",
  "message" : "Age must be between 1 and 150.",
  "innerError" : {
   "rangeMinimumValue" : 1,
   "rangeMaximumValue" : 150

Disabled application error example

The following authentication request:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ \ 
	"authenticationType": "AUTHENTICATE" }' \

Returns the following “REQUEST_FAILED” status:

  "message": "Application disabled",
  "target": "application",
  "id": "webs_a14fae49-f82d-4e72-8e00-8d2ae11610af",
  "details": [
      "message": "Application disabled",
  "code": "REQUEST_FAILED"