PingID API Error Codes

Successful Error Responses

HTTP Status errorId Value Description
200 200 None (indicates OK status)
200 30001 Please enter the OTP from the SMS.
200 30002 Please enter the OTP from the call.
200 30003 Device push notification is disabled.
200 30004 Please generate a YubiKey OTP.
200 30005 Please enter the OTP from the email.
200 30006 Please use PingID mobile application to generate a one-time passcode.
200 30007 Continue the authentication flow using the online flow.
200 30008 Multiple devices selection flow.
200 30009 Please enter the OTP from the PingID app.
200 30010 Asynchronous authentication: waiting for client response.
200 30011 Please use the FIDO security key for authentication.
200 30012 Please enter the OTP from the token.
200 30013 Please use FIDO biometrics for authentication.
200 30014 Policy enforced for passwordless authentication.
200 30015 Please enter the OTP from the authenticator application.
200 30016 To resync this token, wait for the next passcode on your device and enter it.
200 30018 Use FIDO2 for authentication.

Client Error Codes

HTTP Status errorId Value Description
400 400 Invalid input.
400 10551 Failed transaction. Please retry.
400 10552 Failed to delete the service provider from the user.
400 10553 User deletion failed. Please contact your PingID support.
400 10554 Cannot add service provider.
400 10555 Cannot add service provider.
400 10556 User already exists. Username should be unique within the organization.
400 10557 Cannot update service provider.
400 10558 Cannot update user.
400 10559 User suspension failed. Please contact your PingID support.
400 10561 User suspension failed. The user is not active and cannot be suspended.
400 10562 Activation failed. Active user can not be activated again.
400 10563 Username already exists for the user in the service. Define a different username for a different service account.
400 10564 User does not exist.
400 10565 User activation failed. Please contact your PingID support.
400 10568 The username may be incorrect.
400 10569 Invalid organization name.
400 10570 The user status does not allow changing the device.
400 10571 There was a problem accessing the database.
400 10572 The service provider does not exist.
400 10575 Value already exists.
400 10576 The user must be active for this operation.
400 10580 Exceeded the number of allowed users for this organization.
400 10589 Attribute does not exist.
400 10608 The device on the session does not exist anymore.
400 10610 An updated version of this policy was found. Read the policy again and then make your changes.
400 20513 Incorrect password. Please try again.
400 20514 Exceeded allowed number of passcode retries.
400 20515 Invalid login. Please contact your IT admin for further assistance.
400 20516 Login rejected by the user.
400 20517 Session not valid.
400 20519 The service provider does not exist.
400 20520 The username may be incorrect.
400 20521 Your mobile device is unreachable for login authentication. Please use the PingID mobile application to generate a one-time passcode.
400 20522 Login timed out.
400 20523 Another mobile authentication session is currently active.
400 20524 The user is locked.
400 20525 The user is not logged in.
400 20526 Your PingID account is temporarily locked. You have reached the maximum allowed number of attempts to enter your PingID password or one-time passcode.
400 20527 The user’s device is invalid.
400 20529 Invalid organization name.
400 20531 This service is not supported.
400 20532 Incorrect passcode. Please generate a new one-time passcode.
400 20534 Invalid login. Please contact your IT admin for further assistance.
400 20535 The user’s mobile application is not installed. Please contact your IT admin for further assistance.
400 20536 Invalid login. Please contact your IT admin for further assistance.
400 20537 PingID account is suspended. Please contact your administrator for further assistance.
400 20538 The request has timed out. Please use the PingID mobile application to generate a one-time passcode.
400 20539 Passwords do not match. Please try again.
400 20541 The user is not defined. Please contact your administrator for further assistance.
400 20542 Unsupported request.
400 20543 Login in process.
400 20544 Multiple users per device is not supported.
400 20545 This session was already used.
400 20548 Too many OTP retries.
400 20549 User already exists.
400 20550 The organization exceeded the users quota.
400 20551 Failed to send SMS.
400 20552 SMS/Voice is not enabled for this organization.
400 20555 YubiKey is not enabled for this organization.
400 20557 Email authentication is not enabled for this organization.
400 20558 Failed to send OTP.
400 20559 Invalid phone number.
400 20560 A company policy is preventing you from authenticating with PingID at this time. Please contact your administrator.
400 20561 The authentication request was cancelled.
400 20562 The user exceeded the number of allowed devices.
400 20563 The user exceeded the daily limit of claimed SMS OTPs.
400 20564 The user exceeded the daily limit of unclaimed SMS OTPs.
400 20565 OTP is blocked.
400 20570 Browser does not support WebAuthn.
400 20571 Device is already in use.
400 20572 OATH token is not enabled for this organization.
400 20573 Authentication with WebAuthn is disabled.
400 20574 Invalid OATH token.
400 20575 User attempted Webauthn passwordless authentication with the wrong device type.
400 20579 Couldn’t resync token ‘<serial number of the token>’.
400 20585 Wrong number was chosen.
400 40001 May return from GetJobStatus when the jobToken is not found.
400 40002 May return from GetOrganizationReport when there is no report available to fetch. Either CreateJob wasn’t called, or the report has expired from the cache. In the case of an expired report, you can call CreateJob to generate a new report.
401 401 You are not authorized for this request.
403 403 Forbidden. Returned for a request that is well-formed but denied because this client does not have permission to access a particular resource.
408 20512 Login timed out.
422 422 The input parameters have incorrect values.
429 You have exceeded the maximum allowed number of requests per second to PingID. Wait a few seconds and try again. For more details contact Ping Identity support.

PingID Service Errors

HTTP Status errorId Value Description
500 500 Internal server error.
500 20511 Error logging in.