The POST /environments/{{envID}}/users operation adds a new user resource to the specified environment.

This operation does not support an attribute to set the new user’s password. To create a user and set the password, see Import a user. For information about setting a user’s password after creating the new user, see Set password.

New users must be assigned to the default population for the environment, if one exists, and if the population ID is not provided in the request. The request must also set a value for the username attribute.

The username value must be unique to an environment (spanning populations). Access to populations is determined by roles. It’s possible that username conflicts may arise, if you or your worker application attempt to create a user that exists in a population to which you have no access.

New users who are not authenticating with PingOne must be assigned an identity provider with the attribute. If is not provided, PingOne is set as the default identity provider. The identityProvider.type value is read-only, and its value is dependent on the value of If is not provided, the default value of identityProvider.type is PING_ONE.

In the example, locales is a multi-valued custom attribute. Its value must be an array, regardless of the number of values provided. See Custom attributes in Schemas for more information.

If successful, the response returns a 201 Successfully created message and shows the new user resource’s property data.


Property Type Required?
accountId String Optional
address.streetAddress String Optional
address.countryCode String Optional
address.locality String Optional
address.region String Optional
address.postalCode String Optional
address.zipCode String Optional
email String Optional
locale Array [String] Optional
mobilePhone String Optional
name.given String Optional String Optional
name.middle String Optional
name.honorificPrefix String Optional
name.honorificSuffix String Optional
name.formatted String Optional
nickname String Optional
photo.href String Optional String Required
preferredLanguage String Optional
primaryPhone String Optional
timeZone String Optional
title String Optional
type String Optional
username String Required

See the User operations data model for full property descriptions.