A user agreement consent resource is a record of a user consenting to a terms of service agreement for a specific language and revision. Only the latest consent record is available through a GET request, which shows only the current agreement consent state for (1) all the user’s agreement consents, or (2) the current agreement consent state for one specific agreement.

This service provides operations to read and update user agreement consent resources.

You need the Environment Admin role to perform operations on user consent resources.

Agreement consent state data model

The properties described here identify the agreement consents associated with a specified user and current state of the agreement consent (represented by the lastConsent properties).

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
agreement Object Required Mutable Specifies the agreement resource for this agreement consent.
agreement.id String Required Mutable Specifies the UUID of the agreement resource for this agreement consent.
language Object Required Mutable Specifies the language resource associated with this agreement consent.
language.id String Required Mutable Specifies the language resource UUID associated with this agreement consent. If the status is ACCEPTED, then this is the language associated with the consent. For any other status value, this represents the language to which the user must consent.
lastConsent.at DateTime N/A Read-only Specifies the date and time at which the user consented to the agreement.
lastConsent.expiresAt DateTime N/A Read-only Specifies the date and time at which the user consent to the agreement expires.
lastConsent.language Object N/A Read-only Specifies the language resource associated with the user’s last agreement consent.
lastConsent.language.id String N/A Read-only Specifies the language resource UUID associated with the user’s last agreement consent.
lastConsent.revision Object N/A Read-only Specifies the revision resource associated with the user’s last agreement consent.
lastConsent.revision.id String N/A Read-only Specifies the revision resource UUID associated with the user’s last agreement consent.
revision Object Required Mutable Specifies the revision resource associated with this agreement consent.
revision.id String Required Mutable Specifies the revision resource UUID associated with this agreement consent.
status String N/A Read-only Specifies whether the consent is valid or not, depending on the agreement, language, and revision configuration. Options are PENDING, ACCEPTED, REVOKED, EXPIRED, and AGREEMENT_DISABLED. This property value is computed dynamically when the resource is returned.
user Object Required Mutable Specifies the user associated with this agreement consent.
user.id String Required Mutable Specifies the UUID of the user associated with this agreement consent.

User consent event model

The properties described here are used with the PingOne audit reporting service to search for a user’s consent history for specific agreements. For more information about the audit events to use to query a user’s consent history, see Agreement Management.

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
consentedAt DateTime Optional Mutable Specifies the date and time at which the user consented to the agreement.
agreement Object Required Mutable Specifies the agreement resource for this agreement consent.
agreement.id String Required Mutable Specifies the UUID of the agreement resource for this agreement consent.
language Object Required Mutable Specifies the language resource associated with this agreement consent.
language.id String Required Mutable Specifies the language resource UUID associated with this agreement consent.
revision Object Required Mutable Specifies the revision resource associated with this agreement consent.
revision.id String Required Mutable Specifies the revision resource UUID associated with this agreement consent.
status String N/A Read-only Specifies whether the consent is valid or not, depending on the agreement, language, and revision configuration. Options are ACTIVE, INVALID, and EXPIRED. This property value is computed dynamically when the resource is returned.
user Object Required Mutable Specifies the user associated with this agreement consent.
user.id String Required Mutable Specifies the UUID of the user associated with this agreement consent.

Response codes

Code Message
200 Successful operation.
400 The request could not be completed.
401 You do not have access to this resource.
404 The requested resource was not found.