The schemas endpoints give administrators the ability to customize the existing attributes of the user model or define new attributes that are not part of the default user model. For example, applications often support user profile attributes that are not defined in the PingOne core attribute set for users.

For more information about schemas, see User Attributes in the PingOne Admin Guide.

Attribute types

There are three types of attributes that the user schema supports: core, standard, and custom. Core and standard attributes are available in the out-of-the-box user schema, and these attributes cannot be deleted. Custom attributes can be created, updated, and deleted. All types of attributes can be retrieved from a GET operation.

The mutability rules for these three types of attributes are:

The schemas service supports the following capabilities:

The request examples show common actions for working with schema resources and custom attributes. You need the Environment Admin role to read and update schema resources. Administrators with the Identity Data Admin or Client Application Developer roles can read schema resources.

Custom attributes {#custom-attributes}

Custom attributes convey additional information about the user to applications. You can add custom attributes to the user schema to identify and store key information such as account numbers, user preferences, demographic information, and other relevant profile data required by the application. A custom attribute is a name-value pair that can reference JSON or STRING user schema attributes or a static value.

If the custom attribute has multiple values, then the attribute will be multi-valued in the token or assertion as well. This is calculated based on the string length for all of the custom attribute values. For example, given:

{ "id": "1234", "username": "jdoe", "customA": "1234", "customB": "1234" }

The cumulative custom attribute size in this case is 8. Size calculations for multi-valued and JSON custom attributes are the same. For the multi-valued custom attributes, add the length of all of the array elements. For JSON custom attributes, add the length of the JSON string. You can add a maximum of 200 custom string attributes and 200 custom JSON attributes. Bear in mind that the maximum size of the entire user profile is 16 Kb.

An attribute can support multiple values if the multiValued property is set to true. If the multiValued property is set to false or is null, the User object will contain the attribute value as a single value. If multiValued is set to true, the value in the User object will be an array. When searches are performed on User schema data, a user will match if any value of a multiValued attribute is part of the search criteria.

Reserved attribute names

The following attribute names are reserved for internal use. Custom attributes cannot have the same name as these reserved attribute names.

Enumerated values and regular expressions

An attribute is enumerated if the attributes.enumeratedValues[] property is present and has at least one unarchived attributes.enumeratedValues[].value. An attributes.enumeratedValues[].value cannot be deleted, but it can be archived. If all attributes.enumeratedValues[].value objects are archived, the attributes.enumeratedValues[] property is removed from the attribute. An existing attribute cannot be made enumerated. It is possible to add attributes.enumeratedValues[] objects to an existing enumerated attribute and to unarchive existing archived values.

A regular expression can be added to an attribute to validate the client-provided value. An attribute cannot be both regex and enumerated. However, a value matching a regular expression can be multi-valued or unique. A list of test case values that the pattern should match and should not match can also be provided to help validate that the pattern is correct.

Schema attributes POST, PUT, PATCH data model

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
description String Optional Mutable A description of the attribute. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consists of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, punctuation character, or space.
displayName String Optional Mutable The display name of the attribute such as 'T-shirt size’. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consist of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, forward slash, dot, apostrophe, underscore, space, or hyphen.
enabled Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute is enabled. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null. Disabled attributes are ignored for POST or PUT, and are not returned for GET operations.
enumeratedValues[] Array Optional Mutable An array of enumerated values. Maximum number of enumerations is 100.
enumeratedValues[].value String Required Mutable A string that specifies the immutable value. Values are case sensitive; two values that differ only by case are not allowed. Required if enumeratedValues[] is set.
enumeratedValues[].archived Boolean Optional Mutable A boolean that specifies whether the enumerated value is archived. Archived values cannot be added to a user, but existing archived values are preserved. This allows clients that read the schema to know all possible values of an attribute.
enumeratedValues[].description String Optional Mutable A string that specifies the description of the enumerated value. String N/A Immutable The identifier of the environment resource referenced by this relationship.
id String N/A Immutable The attribute’s unique identifier.
ldapAttribute String Required Immutable The unique identifier for the LDAP attribute.
multiValued Boolean Optional Mutable A boolean that specifies whether the attribute has multiple values or a single one. This value can only change from false to true, as changing from true to false is not allowed. Maximum number of values stored is 1,000.
name String Required Mutable The name of the attribute. The attribute name must be provided during creation, must not be empty and must not exceed 256 characters. It must also be unique within the schema for an environment. It must start with a letter and may be followed by letters, numbers or hyphens.
regexValidation Object Optional Mutable Object representation of the optional regular expression representation of this attribute.
regexValidation.pattern String Required Mutable A string that specifies the regular expression to which the attribute must conform. Required if regexValidation is set.
regexValidation.requirements String Required Mutable A string that specifies a developer friendly description of the regular expression requirements. Required if regexValidation is set.
regexValidation.valuesPatternShouldMatch Array Optional Mutable An array that specifies the list of strings matching the regular expression.
regexValidation.valuesPatternShouldNotMatch Array Optional Mutable An array that specifies the list of strings not matching the regular expression.
required Boolean Optional Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute is required. Required attributes must be provided a value for POST and PUT. Defaults to false. String Required Immutable The identifier of the resource referenced by this relationship.
schemaType String Required Mutable The schema type of the attribute. This can be CORE, STANDARD or CUSTOM. CORE and STANDARD attributes are supplied by default. CORE attributes cannot be updated or deleted. STANDARD attributes cannot be deleted, but their mutable properties can be updated. CUSTOM attributes can be deleted, and their mutable properties can be updated. New attributes are created with a schema type of CUSTOM.
subAttributes Array Optional Mutable The list of sub-attributes of this attribute. Only COMPLEX attribute types can have sub-attributes, and only one-level of nesting is allowed. The leaf attribute definition must have a type of STRING or JSON. A COMPLEX attribute definition must have at least one child attribute definition.
subAttributes.description String Optional Mutable A description of the sub-attribute. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consists of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, punctuation character, or space.
subAttributes.displayName String Optional Mutable The display name of the sub-attribute such as 'T-shirt size’. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consist of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, forward slash, dot, apostrophe, underscore, space, or hyphen.
subAttributes.enabled Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the sub-attribute is enabled. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null. Disabled sub-attributes are ignored for POST or PUT, and are not returned for GET operations. String Required Mutable The name of the sub-attribute. The sub-attribute name must be provided during creation, must not be empty and must not exceed 256 characters. It must start with a letter and may be followed by letters, numbers or hyphens.
subAttributes.required Boolean Optional Mutable Indicates whether or not the sub-attribute is required. Required attributes must be provided a value for POST and PUT. Defaults to false.
subAttributes.schemaType String Required Mutable The schema type of the sub-attribute. This can be CORE, STANDARD or CUSTOM. CORE and STANDARD sub-attributes are supplied by default. CORE sub-attributes cannot be updated or deleted. STANDARD sub-attributes cannot be deleted, but their mutable properties can be updated. CUSTOM sub-attributes can be deleted, and their mutable properties can be updated. New sub-attributes are created with a schema type of CUSTOM.
subAttributes.type String Optional Mutable The type of the sub-attribute. This can be STRING, JSON, BOOLEAN, or COMPLEX. If the type is not provided during creation, it defaults to STRING. COMPLEX and BOOLEAN sub-attributes cannot be created, but standard sub-attributes of those types may be updated. JSON sub-attributes are limited by size (total size must not exceed 16KB).
subAttributes.unique Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the sub-attribute must have a unique value within the PingOne environment. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null.
type String Optional Mutable The type of the attribute. This can be STRING, JSON, BOOLEAN, or COMPLEX. If the type is not provided during creation, it defaults to STRING. COMPLEX and BOOLEAN attributes cannot be created, but standard attributes of those types may be updated. JSON attributes are limited by size (total size must not exceed 16KB).
unique Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute must have a unique value within the PingOne environment. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null.

Schema attributes GET response model

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
attributes.description String Optional Mutable A description of the attribute. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consists of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, punctuation character, or space.
attributes.displayName String Optional Mutable The display name of the attribute such as 'T-shirt size’. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consist of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, forward slash, dot, apostrophe, underscore, space, or hyphen.
attributes.enabled Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute is enabled. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null. Disabled attributes are ignored for POST or PUT, and are not returned for GET operations. String N/A Immutable The identifier of the environment resource referenced by this relationship. String N/A Immutable The attribute’s unique identifier.
attributes.ldapAttribute String Required Immutable The unique identifier for the LDAP attribute.
attributes.multiValued Boolean Optional Mutable A boolean that specifies whether the attribute has multiple values or a single one. This value can only change from false to true, as changing from true to false is not allowed. Maximum number of values stored is 1,000. String Required Mutable The name of the attribute. The attribute name must be provided during creation, must not be empty and must not exceed 256 characters. It must also be unique within the schema for an environment. It must start with a letter and may be followed by letters, numbers or hyphens.
attributes.regexValidation Object Optional Mutable Object representation of the optional regular expression representation of this attribute.
attributes.regexValidation.pattern String Required Mutable A string that specifies the regular expression to which the attribute must conform. Required if attributes.regexValidation is set.
attributes.regexValidation.requirements String Required Mutable A string that specifies a developer friendly description of the regular expression requirements. Required if attributes.regexValidation is set.
attributes.regexValidation.valuesPatternShouldMatch Array Optional Mutable An array that specifies the list of strings matching the regular expression.
attributes.regexValidation.valuesPatternShouldNotMatch Array Optional Mutable An array that specifies the list of strings not matching the regular expression.
attributes.required Boolean Optional Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute is required. Required attributes must be provided a value for POST and PUT. Defaults to false. String Required Immutable The identifier of the resource referenced by this relationship.
attributes.schemaType String Required Mutable The schema type of the attribute. This can be CORE, STANDARD or CUSTOM. CORE and STANDARD attributes are supplied by default. CORE attributes cannot be updated or deleted. STANDARD attributes cannot be deleted, but their mutable properties can be updated. CUSTOM attributes can be deleted, and their mutable properties can be updated. New attributes are created with a schema type of CUSTOM.
attributes.type String Optional Mutable The type of the attribute. This can be STRING, JSON, BOOLEAN, or COMPLEX. If the type is not provided during creation, it defaults to STRING. COMPLEX and BOOLEAN attributes cannot be created, but standard attributes of those types may be updated. JSON attributes are limited by size (total size must not exceed 16KB).
attributes.unique Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute must have a unique value within the PingOne environment. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null.
attributes.subAttributes Array Optional Mutable The list of sub-attributes of this attribute. Only COMPLEX attribute types can have sub-attributes, and only one-level of nesting is allowed. The leaf attribute definition must have a type of STRING or JSON. A COMPLEX attribute definition must have at least one child attribute definition.
attributes.subAttributes.description String Optional Mutable A description of the sub-attribute. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consists of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, punctuation character, or space.
attributes.subAttributes.displayName String Optional Mutable The display name of the sub-attribute such as 'T-shirt size’. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consist of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, forward slash, dot, apostrophe, underscore, space, or hyphen.
attributes.subAttributes.enabled Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the sub-attribute is enabled. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null. Disabled sub-attributes are ignored for POST or PUT, and are not returned for GET operations. String Required Mutable The name of the sub-attribute. The sub-attribute name must be provided during creation, must not be empty and must not exceed 256 characters. It must start with a letter and may be followed by letters, numbers or hyphens.
attributes.subAttributes.required Boolean Optional Mutable Indicates whether or not the sub-attribute is required. Required attributes must be provided a value for POST and PUT. Defaults to false.
attributes.subAttributes.schemaType String Required Mutable The schema type of the sub-attribute. This can be CORE, STANDARD or CUSTOM. CORE and STANDARD sub-attributes are supplied by default. CORE sub-attributes cannot be updated or deleted. STANDARD sub-attributes cannot be deleted, but their mutable properties can be updated. CUSTOM sub-attributes can be deleted, and their mutable properties can be updated. New sub-attributes are created with a schema type of CUSTOM.
attributes.subAttributes.type String Optional Mutable The type of the sub-attribute. This can be STRING, JSON, BOOLEAN, or COMPLEX. If the type is not provided during creation, it defaults to STRING. COMPLEX and BOOLEAN sub-attributes cannot be created, but standard sub-attributes of those types may be updated. JSON sub-attributes are limited by size (total size must not exceed 16KB).
attributes.subAttributes.unique Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the sub-attribute must have a unique value within the PingOne environment. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null.
description String Optional Mutable The description of the attribute.
displayName String Optional Mutable The display name of the attribute such as 'T-shirt size’. If provided, it must not be an empty string. Valid characters consist of any Unicode letter, mark (for example, accent or umlaut), numeric character, forward slash, dot, apostrophe, underscore, space, or hyphen.
enabled Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute is enabled. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null. Disabled attributes are ignored for POST or PUT, and are not returned for GET operations. String N/A Immutable The environment resource’s unique identifier.
id String Required Immutable The attribute’s unique identifier.
multiValued Boolean Optional Mutable A boolean that specifies whether the attribute has multiple values or a single one. This value can only change from false to true, as changing from true to false is not allowed. Maximum number of values stored is 1,000.
name String Required Mutable The attribute name.
required Boolean Optional Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute is required. Required attributes must be provided a value for POST and PUT. Defaults to false. String Optional Mutable The schema’s unique identifier.
schemaType String Required Mutable The schema type of the attribute. This can be CORE, STANDARD or CUSTOM. CORE and STANDARD attributes are supplied by default. CORE attributes cannot be updated or deleted. STANDARD attributes cannot be deleted, but their mutable properties can be updated. CUSTOM attributes can be deleted, and their mutable properties can be updated. New attributes are created with a schema type of CUSTOM.
type String Optional Mutable The type of the attribute. This can be STRING, JSON, BOOLEAN, or COMPLEX. If the type is not provided during creation, it defaults to STRING. COMPLEX and BOOLEAN attributes cannot be created, but standard attributes of those types may be updated. JSON attributes are limited by size (total size must not exceed 16KB).
unique Boolean Required Mutable Indicates whether or not the attribute must have a unique value within the PingOne environment. This is a required property only for POST and PUT operations, and cannot be omitted or explicitly set to null.

Schemas GET response model

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
description String Optional Mutable The description of the schema. String N/A Immutable The environment resource’s unique identifier.
id String Required Immutable The schema’s unique identifier.
name String Required Mutable The schema name.
schemas.description String Optional Mutable The description of the schema. String Optional Mutable The unique identifier of the environment containing the schema. String Optional Mutable The schema’s unique identifier. String Required Mutable The schema name.

Audit reporting events

To see the effects of these events for an API call, see the event types in the Audit Report, Audit Activities API, or Webhook stream.

Service Event

Response codes

Code Message
200 Successful operation.
201 Successfully created.
204 Successfully removed. No content.
400 The request could not be completed.
401 You do not have access to this resource.
404 The requested resource was not found.