PingOne access tokens are signed JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) that include identity claims about and attributes of the requestor, usually a user identity. The resource attributes service lets you customize the content of access tokens by adding custom attributes and their values. This is a great way to convey additional information about the user to applications. Custom attributes have a cumulative length constraint of 16 Kb. See Custom attributes in Schemas for more information.

Resource attributes are essentially custom identity claims associated with a resource. For example, suppose the clothing.preferences resource with scope sizes provides “clothing size” user claims in the token. By default, the sizes scope does not include a t-shirt size user claim. To include the user.tshirtSize user attribute as a user claim in the token, a resource attribute entity can be created that associates the tshirtSize attribute with the clothing.preferences resource. Then, for token requests to clothing.preferences with scope sizes, the tshirtSize user claim is included in the token. If the attribute is multiValued, then the claim will be an array of values. The following diagram shows the workflow:

Resource attributes custom identity claims

For information about an access token’s core claims, see Access token claims. A token’s core identity claims cannot be modified or deleted.

Advanced resource attribute mapping {#advanced-resource-attribute-mapping}

You can use PingOne’s expression language for advanced attribute mappings of a custom resource or the OpenID Connect resource. The supported expression language is an augmentation of SpEL. SpEL is a powerful expression language used for querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime.

Resource attributes data model {#resource-attributes-data-model}

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
idToken Boolean Optional Mutable A boolean that specifies whether the attribute mapping should be available in the ID Token. This property is applicable only when the application’s protocol property is OPENID_CONNECT. If omitted, the default is true. Note that the idToken and userInfo properties cannot both be set to false. At least one of these properties must have a value of true.
userInfo Boolean Optional Mutable A boolean that specifies whether the attribute mapping should be available through the /as/userinfo endpoint. This property is applicable only when the application’s protocol property is OPENID_CONNECT. If omitted, the default is true. Note that the idToken and userInfo properties cannot both be set to false. At least one of these properties must have a value of true.
name String Required Mutable A string that specifies the name of the custom resource attribute to be included in the access token. The following are reserved names and cannot be used. These reserved names are applicable only when the resource’s type property is OPENID_CONNECT:
  • acr
  • amr
  • aud
  • auth_time
  • client_id
  • env
  • exp
  • iat
  • iss
  • jti
  • org
  • p1.* (any name starting with the p1. prefix)
  • scope
  • sid
  • sub
type String Optional Read-only A string that specifies the type of resource attribute. Options are:
  • CORE: The claim is required and cannot not be removed.
  • CUSTOM: The claim is not a CORE attribute. All created attributes are of this type.
  • PREDEFINED: A designation for predefined OIDC resource attributes such as given_name. These attributes cannot be removed; however, they can be modified.
value String Required Mutable A string that specifies the value of the custom resource attribute. This value can be a placeholder that references an attribute in the user schema, expressed as “${}”, or it can be a static string. Placeholders must be valid, enabled attributes in the environment’s user schema. Examples fo valid values are: “${}”, “${}”, and “myClaimValueString”.

Audit reporting events

To see the effects of these events for an API call, see the event types in the Audit Report, Audit Activities API, or Webhook stream.

Service Event

Response codes

Code Message
200 Successful operation.
201 Successfully created.
204 Successfully removed. No content.
400 The request could not be completed.
401 You do not have access to this resource.
404 The requested resource was not found.