The phone delivery settings endpoints provide the ability to configure different accounts which could be used for sending an SMS or voice message. They implement operations to create, update, read and delete phone delivery settings resources for an environment.

Phone delivery settings properties

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
id String Required Immutable The auto-generated ID of the phone delivery settings. String Required Immutable The relationship of the phone delivery settings to the environment.
provider String Required Immutable The provider to use for phone delivery service. Possible values:
  • CUSTOM_TWILIO: Uses the default PingOne provider (Twilio / Vonage) as the SMS/voice provider.
  • CUSTOM_SYNIVERSE: Specifies that your Syniverse account is the SMS/voice provider.
  • CUSTOM_PROVIDER: Uses the custom SMS provider that you defined (if you want to use a provider other than the default PingOne provider or Syniverse).
createdAt Date N/A Read-only The time the resource was created.
updatedAt Date N/A Read-only The time the resource was last updated.

Custom provider phone delivery settings properties (Twilio or Syniverse)

The phoneDeliverySettings instance that supports your Twilio or Syniverse custom provider phone delivery accounts.

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
id String Required Immutable The auto-generated ID of the phone delivery settings. String Required Immutable The relationship of the phone delivery settings to the environment.
sid String Required Immutable The public ID of the Twilio account.
Relevant to Twilio only.
authToken String Required Immutable The secret key of the Twilio or Syniverse account.
provider String Required Immutable The ID of the provider of phone delivery service. In this case it has the value CUSTOM_TWILIO or CUSTOM_SYNIVERSE, depending on your vendor.
createdAt Date N/A Read-only The time the resource was created.
updatedAt Date N/A Read-only The time the resource was last updated.
numbers Array Required Mutable A collection of Twilio or Syniverse numbers to use when sending a notification. The array uses the properties in the Custom provider phone number properties data model. If left blank, returns the numbers from the Twilio or Syniverse service.

Custom provider phone delivery settings properties (excluding Twilio and Syniverse)

The phoneDeliverySettings instance that supports your custom provider phone delivery accounts (excluding Twilio and Syniverse).

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
name String Required Mutable The customer provider’s name.
requests.deliveryMethod String Required Mutable The notification’s delivery method. Possible value:
  • SMS
requests.url String Required Mutable The provider’s remote gateway or customer gateway URL.
  • For requests using the POST method, use the provider’s remote gateway URL.
  • For requests using the GET method, use the provider’s remote gateway URL, including the ${to} and ${message} mandatory variables. The ${from} variable is required if the numbers attribute is set, and any object in the number array is selected. For example:${to}&from=${from}&message=${message}"
requests.body String Optional Mutable The notification’s request body. This property is required when requests.method is set to POST. The body should include the ${to} and ${message} mandatory variables. The ${from} variable is required if the numbers attribute is set, and any object in the number array is selected. For example:
In addition, you can use the following optional variables:
  • ${voice} - the type of voice configured for notifications
  • ${locale} - locale
  • ${otp} - OTP
  • ${} - user’s username
  • ${} - user’s given name
  • ${} - user’s family name
You can also use dynamic variables in the body. For more information, see Dynamic variables.
requests.headers String[] Optional Mutable The notification’s request header, matching the format of the request body. When the request.method value is POST, it can be one of:
  • Form
  • JSON
Otherwise, custom header values are also allowed.
requests.method String Required Mutable The type of HTTP request method. Possible values:
  • GET
  • POST
requests.phoneNumberFormat String Required Mutable The phone number format. Possible values:
  • FULL (default)
    The phone number format with a leading + sign, in the E.164 standard format.
    For example: +14155552671
    The phone number format without a leading + sign, in the E.164 standard format.
    For example: 14155552671
requests.beforeTag String Optional Mutable For voice OTP notifications only.
An opening tag which is commonly used by custom providers for defining a pause between each number in the OTP number string.
Possible value: <Say>
requests.afterTag String Optional Mutable For voice OTP notifications only.
A closing tag which is commonly used by custom providers for defining a pause between each number in the OTP number string.
Possible value: </Say> <Pause length="1"/>
authentication.method String Required Mutable The custom provider account’s authentication method. Possible values:
authentication.username String Required/Optional Mutable The username for the custom provider account.
Required when authentication.method=BASIC
authentication.password String Required/Optional Mutable The password for the custom provider account.
Required when authentication.method=BASIC
authentication.authToken String Required/Optional Mutable The authentication token for the custom provider account.
Required when authentication.method=BEARER
numbers Array Required Mutable A collection of Twilio or Syniverse numbers to use when sending a notification. The array uses the properties in the Custom provider phone number properties data model.

Custom provider phone number properties

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
type String Required Mutable The type of phone number. Possible values: SHORT_CODE, TOLL_FREE, PHONE_NUMBER
selected Boolean Required Mutable Specifies whether the number is selected by the admin for sending messages.
createdAt Date N/A Read-only The time the resource was created.
number String Required Mutable The phone number, toll-free number or short code.
available Boolean Required Mutable Specifies whether the number is currently available in the provider account.
capabilities String[] Required Mutable A collection of the phone delivery service capabilities. Possible values: VOICE, SMS. See the Phone delivery capabilities properties data model.
supportedCountries String[] Required Mutable Specifies the number's supported countries for notification recipients, depending on the phone number type:
  • SHORT_CODE: A collection containing a single 2-character ISO country code, for example, US, GB, CA.
    If the custom provider is of type=CUSTOM_PROVIDER, supportedCountries must not be empty or null.
    For other custom provider types, if supportedCountries is null (empty is not supported), the specified short code number can only be used to dispatch notifications to United States recipient numbers.
  • TOLL_FREE: A collection of valid 2-character country ISO codes, for example, US, GB, CA.
    If the custom provider is of type=CUSTOM_PROVIDER, supportedCountries must not be empty or null.
    For other custom provider types, if supportedCountries is null (empty is not supported), the specified toll-free number can only be used to dispatch notifications to United States recipient numbers.
  • PHONE_NUMBER: supportedCountries can not be specified.
If an SMS template has an alphanumeric sender ID and also has short code, the sender ID will be used for destination countries that support both alphanumeric senders and short codes. For Unites States and Canada that don’t support alphanumeric sender IDs, a short code will be used if both an alphanumeric sender and a short code are specified.

Phone delivery capabilities properties

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
capability String Required Mutable The type of phone delivery service capability. Possible values: VOICE, SMS.

Audit reporting events

To see the effects of these events for an API call, see the event types in the Audit Report, Audit Activities API, or Webhook stream.

Service Event

Phone delivery settings response codes

Code Message
200 Successful operation.
201 Successfully created.
400 The request could not be completed.
401 You do not have access to this resource.
403 You do not have permissions or are not licensed to make this request.
404 The requested resource was not found.

Configure your custom phone delivery vendor account (Twilio or Syniverse)

  1. Create a custom Twilio or Syniverse phone delivery settings resource using the POST /environments/{{envID}}/notificationsSettings/phoneDeliverySettings operation. Twilio:
  "sid": "someSid",
  "authToken": "someAuthToken",
  "provider": "CUSTOM_TWILIO"

For Syniverse, remove the sid property in the above example, and set "provider": "CUSTOM_SYNIVERSE".

  1. Use the PUT /environments/{{envID}}/notificationsSettings/phoneDeliverySettings/{{phoneDeliverySettingID}} to select the numbers you would like to use for sending messages, by marking them as selected. The Twilio example is as follows:
  "id": "someTwilioPhoneDeliverySettingsId",
  "sid": "someSid",
  "provider": "CUSTOM_TWILIO",
  "numbers": [
      "type": "SHORT_CODE",
      "capabilities": [
      "selected": true,
      "available": true,
      "number": "894546"
      "type": "TOLL_FREE",
      "capabilities": [
      "selected": false,
      "available": true,
      "number": "+18544440098"
      "type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
      "capabilities": [
      "selected": true,
      "available": true,
      "number": "+172544440091"

For Syniverse, remove the sid property in the above example, and set "provider": "CUSTOM_SYNIVERSE".

The sequence of SMS/Voice providers in the notification settings resource’s smsProvidersFallbackChain comprises the notification fallback sequence, in the event of a primary or subsequent provider failing to send a notification. See Notifications Settings for details on configuring an SMS/Voice provider fallback chain.

Configure your custom phone delivery vendor account (excluding Twilio and Syniverse)

Create a custom phone delivery settings resource using the POST /environments/{{envID}}/notificationsSettings/phoneDeliverySettings operation. Create phone delivery settings:

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <insert access token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "Custom Provider Name",
      "url":"<Custom provider API URL>",
    "numbers":[{"type":"PHONE_NUMBER","number":"+1 222 333","capabilities":["SMS"]}]

After the admin has updated the provider configuration, PingOne will send the following POST request to your gateway every time a user signs up, logs in, adds a new device, or issues another SMS or voice notification:

curl --request POST '<Custom provider API URL>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic QUN...YQ==' \
--data-raw '{ 
   "message": "<notification message>",
   "to": "<user phone number>",
   "from": "<sender phone number>"