The notifications settings endpoints provide the ability to configure specific notifications settings for each environment. They implement operations to read, update and reset the settings for the environment.

Configure an SMS/Voice provider fallback chain

The sequence of SMS/Voice providers in smsProvidersFallbackChain comprises the notification fallback sequence, in the event of a primary or subsequent provider failing to send the notification.

  1. The providers must be configured in the Phone Delivery Settings resource.
  2. Update the notifications setting resource by using the PUT /environments/{{envID}}/notificationsSettings/ operation. For example, to define your own provider (represented here as TwilioPhoneDeliverySettingsId) as the primary provider, and Ping’s Twilio account as the fallback:
    "smsProvidersFallbackChain": [ "TwilioPhoneDeliverySettingsId", "PINGONE_TWILIO" ]

Notifications settings properties

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description String Required Immutable The environment resource’s unique identifier. String Optional Mutable The email’s “from” name.
See Note for details.
from.address String Optional Mutable The email’s “from” address. This value must be a trusted email address.
See Note for details. String Optional Mutable The email’s “reply to” name.
See Note for details.
replyTo.address String Optional Mutable The email’s “reply to” address. This value must be a trusted email address.
See Note for details.
smsProvidersFallbackChain String[] Optional Mutable A comma-separated list that represents the execution order of different SMS/Voice providers configured for the environment. The providers and their accounts’ configurations are represented in the list by the ID of the corresponding PhoneDeliverySettings resource. The only provider which is not represented by a PhoneDeliverySettingsId is the PingOne Twilio provider. The PingOne Twilio provider is represented by the “PINGONE_TWILIO” string. If the smsProvidersFallbackChain list is empty, an SMS or voice message will be sent using the default Ping Twilio account. Otherwise, an SMS or voice message will be sent using the first provider in the list. If the server fails to queue the message using that provider, it will use the next provider in the list to try to send the message. This process will go on until there are no more providers in the list. If the server failed to send the message using all providers, the notification status is set to FAILED.
updatedAt Date N/A Read-Only The time the resource was last updated.

Audit reporting events

To see the effects of these events for an API call, see the event types in the Audit Report, Audit Activities API, or Webhook stream.

Service Event

Notifications settings response codes

Code Message
200 Successful operation.
201 Successfully created.
400 The request could not be completed.
401 You do not have access to this resource.
403 You do not have permissions or are not licensed to make this request.
404 The requested resource was not found.