The identity provider (IdP) endpoints manage external IdP configurations. It is one of several related services that enable the social login, authoritative login, and inbound SAML login features in PingOne. An external IdP configuration allows linked users to authenticate and gain access to PingOne resources using the login flow and credentials provided by the external IdP.

PingOne supports several external IdPs. IdP resources in PingOne configure the external IdP settings, which include the type of provider and the user attributes from the external IdP that are mapped to PingOne user attributes. These attributes might have one or many values assigned to them. As you might expect, mapping a single-value IdP attribute to a single-value PingOne attribute results in a PingOne attribute having the same value as the IdP attribute. Similarly, if the IdP attribute is also multi-valued, the PingOne attribute value will be an array of the IdP attribute values. If the attributes are not the same format, then the following rules apply:

The mapping attribute placeholder value must be expressed using the following syntax in the request body:

${providerAttributes.<IdP attribute name>}

For more information about identity providers, see External IDPs in the PingOne Admin Guide.

Use Cases

Base IdP data model

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
description String Optional Mutable The description of the IdP.
enabled String Required Mutable The current enabled state of the IdP. Options are ENABLED or DISABLED. String Required Immutable The environment associated with the IdP resource. String Optional Mutable The ID for the IdP icon.
icon.href String Optional Mutable The HREF for the IdP icon.
id String Required Immutable The resource ID. String Optional Mutable The image ID for the IdP login button icon. For Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn IdPs, updates to the login button are ignored to preserve the IdP branding rules.
loginButtonIcon.href String Optional Mutable The HREF for the IdP login button icon image file. For Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn IdPs, updates to the login button are ignored to preserve the IdP branding rules.
name String Required Mutable The name of the IdP.
pkceMethod String Optional Mutable The method for PKCE. Options are NONE or S256. The default is NONE. This value auto-populates from a discovery endpoint if the OpenID Provider includes S256 in its code_challenge_methods_supported claim. The plain method is not currently supported. Object Optional Mutable An external IdP to use as authoritative. Setting this attribute gives management of linked users to the IdP and also triggers just-in-time provisioning of new users. These users are created in the population indicated with
sloBinding String Optional Mutable The binding protocol to be used for the logout response. Options are HTTP_REDIRECT or HTTP_POST. The default is HTTP_POST; existing configurations with no data default to HTTP_POST. This is an optional property.
sloEndpoint String Optional Mutable The logout endpoint URL. This is an optional property. However, if a sloEndpoint logout endpoint URL is not defined, logout actions result in an error.
sloResponseEndpoint String Optional Mutable The endpoint URL to submit the logout response. If a value is not provided, the sloEndpoint property value is used to submit SLO response.
sloWindow Integer Optional Mutable Defines how long PingOne can exchange logout messages with the application, specifically a LogoutRequest from the application, since the initial request. PingOne can also send a LogoutRequest to the application when a single logout is initiated by the user from other session participants, such as an application or identity provider. This setting is per application. The SLO logout is separate from the user session logout that revokes all tokens.
spSigning.algorithm String Optional Mutable The signing key algorithm used by PingOne. Value will depend on which key algorithm and signature algorithm you chose when creating your signing key. Possible values are SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA512withRSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA384withECDSA, SHA512eithEDCSA. String Optional Read-only The UUID of the signing key. See Adding a Certificate and Key Pair.
type String Required Immutable The IdP type. This is a required property. Options are FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, LINKEDIN, OPENID_CONNECT, APPLE, AMAZON, TWITTER, YAHOO,and SAML.

Mapping attributes data model

Property Type Required? Mutable? Description
mappingType String Optional Immutable The mapping type. Options are: CORE (This attribute is required by the schema and cannot be removed. The name and update properties cannot be changed.) or CUSTOM (All user-created attributes are of this type.)
name String Required Mutable The user attribute, which is unique per provider. The attribute must not be defined as read only from the user schema or of type COMPLEX based on the user schema. Valid examples: username, and name.first. The following attributes may not be used: account, id, created, updated, lifecycle, mfaEnabled, and enabled.
value String Required Mutable A placeholder referring to the attribute (or attributes) from the provider. Placeholders must be valid for the attributes returned by the IdP type and use the ${} syntax (for example, username="${email}"). For SAML, any placeholder is acceptable, and it is mapped against the attributes available in the SAML assertion after authentication. The ${samlAssertion.subject} placeholder is a special reserved placeholder used to refer to the subject name ID in the SAML assertion response.
update String Required Mutable Indicates whether to update the user attribute in the directory with the non-empty mapped value from the IdP. Options are: EMPTY_ONLY (only update the user attribute if it has an empty value); ALWAYS (always update the user attribute value).

Attribute type mapping rules

User attribute type Provider JSON value type Result
String * Valid. The value is cast at runtime, as necessary.
Complex * Error
Boolean Boolean Valid
Boolean * Error
JSON Object Valid
JSON * Error
JSON (sub-attribute) * Valid

Response codes

Code Message
200 Successful operation.
201 Successfully created.
204 Successfully removed. No content.
400 The request could not be completed.
401 You do not have access to this resource.
403 You do not have permissions or are not licensed to make this request.
404 The requested resource was not found.
500 An unexpected error occurred.