The POST /environments/{{envID}}/propagation/stores operation adds a new identity store resource to the specified environment resource.


See Propagation store base data model and Propagation store Slack configuration data model for full property descriptions.

Property Type Required?
configuration.CREATE_USERS_PROV_OPT (Deprecated) Boolean Optional
configuration.CREATE_USERS Boolean Optional
configuration.DEPROVISION_USERS Boolean Optional
configuration.DISABLE_USERS Boolean Optional
configuration.OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN String Required
configuration.REMOVE_ACTION String Optional
configuration.REMOVE_USERS_PROV_OPT (Deprecated) Boolean Optional
configuration.UNIQUE_USER_IDENTIFIER String Required
configuration.UPDATE_USERS_PROV_OPT (Deprecated) Boolean Optional
configuration.UPDATE_USERS Boolean Optional
description String Optional
image.href String Optional
managed Boolean Optional
name String Required
status String Optional
type String Required

This operation sends and returns the connection properties for an identity store with "type":"Slack". For information on the available and required keys in the configuration object of the request body, review connectionProfiles[].connectionAttributes[] and attributeMetadata.capabilities[] in the response to POST Identity Propagation Store Metadata (Slack).