The POST /environments/{{envID}}/propagation/storeMetadata/AzureActiveDirectorySAML2 endpoint returns metadata from the specified Azure Active Directory SAML2 identity store.


See the Propagation store Azure Active Directory SAML V2.0 configuration data model for full property descriptions.

Use the current or proposed configuration in the body to return static and dynamic metadata, or an empty body ({}) to retrieve only static metadata.

Property Type Required?
ClientId String Required
ClientSecret String Required
CREATE_NEW_USERS (Deprecated) Boolean Optional
CREATE_USERS Boolean Optional
DISABLE_USERS Boolean Optional
REMOVE_USERS_PROV_OPT (Deprecated) Boolean Optional
RemoveLicensesWhenSkuIdEmpty Boolean Required
TenantDomain String Required
UPDATE_NEW_USERS (Deprecated) Boolean Optional
UPDATE_USERS Boolean Optional