The token endpoint is used by the client to obtain an access token by presenting its authorization grant. Note that authentication requirements to this endpoint are configured by the application’s tokenEndpointAuthMethod property. For authorization_code grant, the application calls the POST /{{envID}}/as/token endpoint to acquire the access token.

For an authorization_code grant type in which the application’s tokenEndpointAuthMethod is set to CLIENT_SECRET_POST, the request does not need an Authorization header, and the client_id and client_secret property values are submitted in the request body.

For a PKCE authorization request, the token request must include the code_verifier parameter:

curl -X POST \
  '${{envID}}/as/token \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d `'grant_type=authorization_code&code={{authCode}}&client_id={{appID}}&client_secret={{appSecret}}&redirect_uri={{redirect_uri}}&code_verifier={{codeVerifier}}'

To obtain a refresh token along with an access token, the client must be configured with the refresh_token grant type and the authorization_code grant type. With this configuration, a refresh token is generated along with the access token. When obtaining the original access token, a refresh token is included in the response, which is tied to the client and the user session. As long as the session exists and it is not expired (30 days since the last sign on), the /{{envID}}/as/token endpoint can be used to exchange the refresh token for a new access token and refresh token. If the openid scope is granted, an ID token is also included.

When a new refresh token is issued, the previous refresh token is rotated to prevent token abuse, which is useful when client authentication is disabled. In addition, when a refresh token is exchanged, the activeAt property of the corresponding session is updated. This does not extend the duration of the session, but can be used to indicate that there is activity.

To revoke a refresh token, the corresponding session must be deleted. Session termination is supported only by the resource owner using the /{{envID}}/as/signoff endpoint or by disabling the user.

For more information about access token claims, see Access token claims.


Property Type Required?
client_id String Required
client_secret String Required
code String Optional
code_verifier String Optional
grant_type String Optional
redirect_uri String Required

See the OpenID Connect/OAuth2 data model for full property descriptions.