
The PingOne MFA Native SDK provides the ability to integrate PingOne MFA functionality into your native applications.

The PingOne MFA Native SDK API for iOS is declared in the PingOne.h header file included in the SDK package. This header file (replicated below) includes descriptions for all functions, parameters and error codes.

The PingOne MFA Native SDK package is available for download at https://github.com/pingidentity/pingone-mobile-sdk-ios. Further details for setup and integrating PingOne MFA Native SDK into your native apps are available in the README file.

The PingOne SDK for iOS supports the following software versions:

See Edit an application in the admin guide for the server-side configuration steps.

PingOne MFA Native SDK sample app

The PingOne MFA Native SDK bundle provides a sample app that includes all the basic flows in order to help you get started.

The sample app package for iOS is available for download at https://github.com/pingidentity/pingone-mobile-sdk-ios. Further details are available in the README file.

Authenticator sample app

The Authenticator sample app is a native app that has the sole function of performing strong authentication. It provides a simple example for developers and solution architects, to enable easy and rapid deployment of an authenticator app with minimal effort.

For scenarios which solely require creation of a native authenticator rather than a full native native app, the Authenticator sample app offers a passwordless and secured solution, that only requires compilation of the sample with customer’s branding and credentials, and uploading it to the app store.

The Authenticator sample app package for iOS is available for download at https://github.com/pingidentity/pingone-authenticator-sample-app-ios. Further details are available in the README file.

Mobile device integrity check

PingOne has an integrated mobile device integrity check in its MFA flows, that allows mobile applications to deny access when a mobile device is suspected to be compromised.

Mobile device integrity check - admin UI configuration

Each application must be set up and configured in the organization’s PingOne environment, either in the admin UI, or using the MFA devices API. The development team provides the admin with the application name and details.

The admin’s configuration of device integrity detection is detailed in the PingOne admin guide. See Editing an application - Native.

PingOne MFA Native SDK API - iOS

See the API documentation.