To get the access token you created in Create an application connection:

  1. Click the application’s Configuration tab.

  2. Scroll down and click to expand the General section.

  3. Scroll down to the Advanced section and click Get Access Token.

  4. From the Access Token window, click the copy icon and then click Done.

To get your environment ID from the Admin Console:

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click Environment.

  3. Click Properties.

The Properties page shows the environment ID.

Test your access token

Your PingOne account has at least one defined environment resource. You can use the PingOne APIs to return information about the environment resource associated with your application connection.

In the Authorization request header field, the accessToken value is your full base64url-encoded JSON web token generated by the PingOne authentication service.

In the North America (NA) region:

curl -X GET "{{envID}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer accessToken"

In the Canada region:

curl -X GET "{{envID}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer accessToken"

In the European Union (EU) region:

curl -X GET "{{envID}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer accessToken"

In the Asia Pacific (AP) region:

curl -X GET "{{envID}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer accessToken"

In the Australia region:

curl -X GET "{{envID}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer accessToken"

If your token is valid, the API request returns a 200: Successful operation message. It also displays the property data for the environment and links to show the related resources associated with the environment.