Directory REST API requests


To make a call to the Directory REST API, you can use basic authentication (username/password) or an OAuth 2.0 access token for API authentication. The access token, shown here as accessToken, is accepted per RFC 6750 through the Authorization HTTP request header. For more information about acquiring a bearer access token for your organization, see Getting started.

HTTP methods

The Directory REST API supports the following HTTP methods. Note that a resource may not support all listed methods below. When a method is not supported, the platform returns a 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED error in the response.

Updating a resource

Requests submitted using PUT update attribute values of the resource specified in the request. You can explicitly clear an entry by specifying null for the attribute or by specifying an empty array in the case of multi-value attributes.

Partial updates to a resource

A PATCH operation performs updates of a resource, similar to that of a PUT operation. In addition, it allows updates to one item in a multi-value attribute. Omitting an attribute in a PATCH operation results in the attribute being ignored.

For set actions, you can use a value of null to explicitly clear the value. For remove actions, you must specify the value to remove.

Supported data exchange formats

The Directory REST API supports JSON as the data exchange format. The Content-type request header for the API call identifies the format of the request body for PUT, POST, and PATCH operations. The following sample identifies JSON as the data exchange type:

curl -X PATCH "{dn}" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer accessToken" \
-d "{
  "param1" : "value1",
  "param2" : "value2",

Link expansion

You can optimize the information returned by a request through link expansion. Link expansion is helpful when you need the query to return detailed information from an additional resource in the response data. You can identify a resource to expand using the expand query string parameter in the request. The allowed values for the expand parameter are found in a resource’s _links field (not including “self”). Unrecognized values are ignored. Multiple values are separated using the comma character.

Here is a sample request that uses the expand parameter to provide an inline representation of the manager resource in the _embedded field.

GET /directory/v1/uid=example.user,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com?expand=manager

The response data looks like this:

    "_dn": "uid=example.user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
    "_embedded": {
        "manager": {
            "_dn": "uid=manager,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
            "cn": ["Manager User"],
            "givenName": ["Manager"],
            "objectClass": [
            "sn": ["User"],
            "uid": ["manager"]
    "_links": {
        "manager": {
            "href": ",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
        "schemas": [
                "href": ""
        "self": {
            "href": ",ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
    "cn": ["Example User"],
    "givenName": ["Example"],
    "manager": ["uid=manager,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"],
    "objectClass": [
    "sn": ["User"],
    "uid": ["example.user"]

Directory REST API responses

HTTP response headers

The Directory REST API includes information about the result of the operation in the HTTP headers. This enables you to determine the appropriate action to take without having to parse the response body.

The following HTTP Headers are returned by every operation:

HTTP response codes

The Directory REST API returns the status of an operation as a registered HTTP response code. The HTTP response codes are:

Operations may also return additional information about a failed operation in the HTTP response body.

Synchronous responses

Responses for synchronous operations have the following behavior:

Response data structure

All Directory REST API endpoints return data using the HAL+JSON content type. The HAL media type provides a common format for linking API resources. HAL conventions adopted by the Directory REST API result in an easily readable structure for resource links and for expressing embedded resources contained within parent resources. The following sample shows how embedded resources are structured in the response data.

    "size": 3,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "https://<server>//directory/v1/schemas"
    "_embedded": {
        "schemas": [
                "id": "5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c",
                "name": "SchemaName",
                "description": "Schema 1 description",

For collections, the result data returns a size attribute, and all API requests return a self URL under the _links attribute that identifies the URI of the main resource. The _embedded attribute lists all the results in the collection.

These relationships and references are represented as follows:


Errors generated by the Directory REST API provide high-level information about the error, including an id, code, and the error message. Error responses also include a details attribute that provides specific information about one or more errors that occurred with the request. The response payload is formatted as follows:

   “id”: “4ffa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c",
   “code”: “INVALID_DATA”,
   “message”: “Errors occurred while processing the request”,
   “details”: [
           “code”: “REQUEST_FAILED”,
           “message”: “Entry ‘cn=Linda MissingFieldSN,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com’ violates the Directory Server schema configuration because it is missing attribute ‘sn’ which is required by object class ‘person’”
Attribute Required Description
id Yes A unique identifier that is stored in log files and always included in an error response. This value can be used to track the error received by the client (with server-side activity included for troubleshooting purposes).
code Yes A general fault code which the client must handle to provide all exception handling routines and to localize messages for users. This code is common across all services and is human readable (such as a defined constant rather than a number).
message Yes A short description of the error. This message is intended to assist with debugging and is returned in English only.
details Yes A detailed description of one or more errors returned as a result of the request.

Filtering collections

Requests that are known to return a large number of items can be filtered using the filter query string parameter. The following SCIM protocol filtering operators are supported.

Operator Description Behavior
eq equal The attribute and operator values are not identical.
ne not equal The attribute and operator values must be identical for a match.
co contains The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value for a match.
sw starts with The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, starting at the beginning of the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.
ew ends with The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, matching at the end of the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.
pr present (has value) If the attribute has a non-empty or non-null value, or if it contains a non-empty node for complex attributes, there is a match.
ge greater than or equal to If the attribute value is greater than or equal to the operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For string attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison, and for DateTime types, it is a chronological comparison. For integer attributes, it is a comparison by numeric value.
le less than or equal to If the attribute value is less than or equal to the operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For string attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison, and for DateTime types, it is a chronological comparison. For integer attributes, it is a comparison by numeric value.

For more information about the SCIM Protocol Specification, see SCIM Filtering.

Attribute tagging rules

An LDAP attribute description that uses tagging options should be treated as a subtype of the same attribute type without the tagging option, inheriting from any parent attribute types. For example, cn;region1 would be a subtype of cn and also of name since cn is a subtype of name. Likewise, cn;region2 would be a different subtype of cn and name. The combined attribute description (the attribute type and tagging options) is not declared explicitly in the directory schema; only the attribute type is declared.

Reject tagging options on _dn attributes and associated naming attribute

The Directory REST API does not allow tagging options in the _dn attribute or associated naming attribute, since the Ping Directory Server does not support this for the underlying LDAP entries. If tagging is attempted, it returns a Code: 34 (invalid DN syntax) error.

  "_dn": "uid;x-opt=lindajones,oupeople,dc=example,dc=com",
  "uid;x-opt": "lindajones",

Representation of user attributes with tagging options

User attributes with tagging options appear in a separate JSON field from other attributes with the same type but different (or no) options.

If there are multiple values with the same attribute type and tagging options, they will be represented as a JSON array.

Using POST to create a new entry containing tagged attributes

Tagged attributes are translated correctly into LDAP entries, including various permutations of the following:

Using GET or POST/subtree /search to retrieve existing entries containing tagged attributes

Tagged attributes are translated correctly from LDAP entries, covering the same permutations for POST.

Tagged attributes are returned correctly when returning multiple entries with the /subtree option. Tagged attributes are returned correctly for multiple entries with a cursored search option.

Query parameter filtering

Note that the SCIM filter syntax (section does not allow semicolons in attribute names. The PingDirectory REST API supports the variant syntax ‘REST API Filter syntax’ (which is the SCIM filter syntax plus semicolons).

If a filter clause specifies an attribute name with no tagging options, the filter applies to all attributes with that base name, tagged or untagged.

If a filter clause specifies an attribute name with tagging options, the filter applies only to attributes with that base name and all of the specified tagging options.

As specified in RFC 7644, if the specified attribute in a filter expression is a multi-valued attribute, the filter matches if any of the values of the specified attribute match the specified criterion.

Query parameters ‘includeAttributes’ and ‘excludeAttributes’

Similarly, if the includeAttributes or excludeAttributes parameters specify an attribute name with no tagging options, the result includes or excludes all attributes of that type, tagged or untagged. If the query parameter specifies an attribute name with tagging options, the result includes or excludes only attributes with that exact name and tagging options.

Using PUT to modify An existing entry containing tagged attributes

Attributes modified using a PUT request should be specified using the exact name and tagging options. For example, the following only updates the value of myAttr and not myAttr;x-opt-1, or any other tagged attribute.

PUT /directory/v1/uid=lindajones,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
    Content-Type: application/json
    Request Body
      "myAttr": "new value for myAttr with no tagging options"

Likewise, the following only updates the value of myAttr;x-opt-2;x-opt-3 and not any of the others.

PUT /directory/v1/uid=lindajones,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
    Content-Type: application/json
    Request Body
      "myAttr;x-opt-2;x-opt-3": "new value for myAttr with x-opt-2 and x-opt-3"

Using PATCH to modify existing entries containing tagged attributes

Attributes to be updated using a PATCH request should be specified using the exact name and tagging options in the attributeName field.

For PATCH “add” and “remove”, only attributes with the exact name and tagging options are affected. However, using PATCH “set” with an untagged attribute name removes any tagged attributes.