PingAuthorize SCIM API Reference

Applications interact with resources (users, typically) using the PingAuthorize Server’s SCIM APIs, a set of REST interfaces based on the SCIM 2.0 standard. Things you can do with these APIs include:

  • Creating users.
  • Searching for users.
  • Retrieving and updating a user’s profile.
  • Changing a user’s password.
  • Managing a user’s login sessions.
  • Retrieving a user’s history of consent to data access.
  • Managing second factor authentication settings.

The client APIs are based on SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) 2.0, a set of standards that is specified in detail by RFC 7643 and RFC 7644. In SCIM, any type of data is called a resource type, and the attributes available for any given resource type are specified by one or more schemas. Resources are formatted as JSON and are requested using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, or PATCH.

This guide assumes that the PingAuthorize Server is configured to serve user resources at the /scim/v2/Users endpoint. Where example data is shown, the “starter schema” bundled with the PingAuthorize Server is used. Your PingAuthorize Server might be configured differently, but the same APIs will be available even if the endpoint name or the type of data differs.

This document provides the following information about the PingAuthorize Server’s SCIM APIs:


The following changes have been made to the PingAuthorize SCIM API.

Release Date Description
6/9/2022 The PingAuthorize SCIM API Reference migrated from Postman.

Data types and resources

The PingAuthorize Server’s SCIM APIs use the data types and resource format specified by the SCIM 2.0 schema standard, RFC 7643.

SCIM data types

SCIM attributes are typed. The following data types are used:

Data Type Description
string A JSON string.
boolean A JSON boolean value. May have either of the literal values true or false.
decimal A JSON floating-point number.
integer A JSON integer number.
dateTime A JSON string representing a timestamp. SCIM DateTime values are always encoded as an xsd:dateTime value, as specified by XML Schema, section 3.3.7.
binary A JSON string representing a binary value. SCIM binary values are always base64-encoded.
reference A JSON string representing a reference to another resource. A SCIM reference is always a URI: This may be a URN, the URL of another SCIM resource, or simply another URL. URLs may be absolute or relative.
complex A JSON object. A SCIM complex attribute is a composition of sub-attributes; these sub-attributes may have any data type except for “complex”.

A SCIM attribute may also be multi-valued. All members of a multi-valued attribute must be of the same data type.

SCIM resource format

A SCIM resource is always represented as a JSON object.

The attributes available in any particular SCIM resource type are defined by the schemas associated with the resource type. A resource type has at least one core schema and may have zero or more extension schemas. An extension schema may be configured to be either required or optional for a resource to be valid.

SCIM schemas provide the means of namespacing JSON attributes. Every schema is identified by a unique schema URN prefix. When specifying attributes, the schema URN prefix is implied for attributes belonging to the core schema but must be provided for attributes belonging to extension schemas. Consider this example resource:

  "schemas": [
  "id": "5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c",
  "meta": {
    "created": "2016-06-07T13:13:30.873Z",
    "lastModified": "2016-06-07T13:13:30.873Z",
    "resourceType": "Users",
    "location": ""
  "userName": "joe.chip",
  "name": {
    "familyName": "Chip",
    "formatted": "Joe Chip",
    "givenName": "Joe"
  "accountVerified": true,
  "urn:pingidentity:schemas:sample:profile:1.0": {
    "termsOfService": [
        "id": "urn:X-pingidentity:ToS:StandardUser:1.0",
        "timeStamp": "2014-11-23T16:36:59Z",
        "collector": "urn:X-pingidentity:App:Mobile:1.0"

This resource has two schemas:

  1. A core schema: urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0
  2. An extension schema: urn:pingidentity:schemas:sample:profile:1.0

The core schema attribute userName may be specified as userName or as urn:pingidentity:schemas:User:1.0.

The extension schema attribute termsOfService may only be specified as urn:pingidentity:schemas:sample:profile:1.0.

Common attributes

In addition to core schema and extension schema attributes, all SCIM resources of any type may have certain common attributes. These attributes never need to be namespaced with a URN.

Common attribute Description
id An immutable unique identifier for the resource. This attribute is always present.
externalId An optional identifier assigned to the resource by the client that provisioned it.
meta A complex read-only attribute containing resource metadata. Its sub-attributes are described in the following table.
Meta sub-attribute Description
resourceType The resource type.
created A timestamp indicating the resource’s creation date.
lastModified A timestamp indicating the time of the resource’s last update.
location The canonical URI of the resource.

List responses

Some SCIM responses, such as search responses, contain multiple resources. These responses are called list responses and have a consistent format using the following fields:

Field Type Provided? Description
schemas array always The SCIM schema of the list response. Always contains the value urn:​ietf:​params:​scim:​api:​messages:​2.​0:​ListResponse.
totalResults number always The number of matching resources.
startIndex number The 1-based index of the first result in the current set of list results. Always present if pagination is used.
itemsPerPage number The number of resources returned per page. Always present if pagination is used.
Resources array always An array consisting of one or more resource objects. For example, this may contain all of the User resources matching a search query.


By default, the access token provided by the client in the request (see Authentication) is used to control access to requested resources. The PingAuthorize Server’s access control policies are customizable, but in general, the scopes granted by the access token determine which resources and attributes are returned.

If access controls determine that the client cannot access the requested resource, then a response with a 403 status code is returned.

    "schemas": [
    "scimType": "insufficient_scope",
    "status": 403,
    "detail": "Requested operation not allowed by the granted OAuth2 scopes."

A client may be allowed to access a resource but not all of its attributes. Clients should be prepared to receive incomplete resources, including resources stripped of attributes that are required by the schema.

For information about how to configure an application appropriately for SCIM API access, see configuring scopes in the PingAuthorize Server client developer guide.


Clients authenticate to the SCIM APIs by using bearer token authentication, as defined by RFC 6750. Every request must include an Authorization request header, where the header value uses the form Bearer {access token}.

A bearer token must be obtained from an external authorization server, such as PingFederate.

READ User Name

Requests and responses

For each resource type, the PingAuthorize Server exposes a SCIM endpoint. For example:

  • /scim/v2/Users
  • /scim/v2/Products
  • /scim/v2/Suppliers

Making requests

Each resource is addressable by an identifier; the combination of a resource type name (Users) and the identifier (5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c) uniquely identifies the resource to the PingAuthorize Server. For example:


Media types

All requests and responses use the UTF-8 character encoding and are formatted as JSON. Clients must accept either the application/scim+json or application/json media types, and the request should always provide an Accept request header with one or both values.

When providing a request body (as with POST, PUT, and PATCH requests), clients should include a Content-Type request header with the value application/scim+json or application/json.

Updating resources

SCIM resources are modified using the PUT and PATCH methods, described by sections 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 of RFC 7644, respectively. See the user profile API reference for examples.

HTTP method Description
PUT Replace an existing resource with a resource representation specified in the body of the request. Typically used after a client has obtained a resource using GET.
PATCH Perform a partial modification of a resource against specific attributes specified by the client. A PATCH request uses the following operation types: add, remove, replace.

Because access controls enforced by the PingAuthorize Server’s policies and scopes can limit a client’s view of a resource, the server must assume that the client may not have access to all attributes of a resource. This is important for PUT requests, because the server needs to distinguish between a case in which the client explicitly wishes to remove an attribute and a case in which the client does not know about an attribute. The general rule is that the server ignores an attribute that is omitted from a PUT request, rather than deleting it. If a client explicitly wishes to delete an attribute, then it should set its value to null.

When a client requests a modification, the PingAuthorize Server computes the difference between the current state of the resource and the state specified by the modification request, applying a minimal set of changes when passing the modification request to the user store. In effect, this means that a PUT request is ultimately treated as if it were a PATCH request. This prevents unnecessary modifications from being sent to the user store and, more importantly, also prevents the client from inadvertently removing attributes that it did not specify because it did not have access to them.

The PingAuthorize Server performs this diffing logic at the attribute and sub-attribute level, comparing each attribute in a modification request against the corresponding attribute in the current resource. For multivalued, complex attributes, the server iterates through the values in the modification request and tries to find the corresponding value in the current resource to determine a match. If it is found, it then diffs at the sub-attribute level.

This behavior is summarized by the following table.

Operation Result
PUT Request omitting a simple single-valued attribute (such as userName). No change.
PUT or PATCH request setting a simple single-valued attribute to null. The attribute is deleted.
PUT or PATCH request replacing the value of a multi-valued attribute, omitting an existing member. The omitted attribute is deleted.
PUT or PATCH request replacing the value of a complex attribute, omitting an existing sub-attribute. No change to the omitted sub-attribute.

For example, if the current value of a resource’s phoneNumbers attribute is:

"phoneNumbers": [
      "value": "054-757-2291",
      "type": "work",

And a modification request includes:

"phoneNumbers": [
      "value": "054-757-2291",
      "primary": "false"

Then the final result is:

"phoneNumbers": [
      "value": "054-757-2291",
      "type": "work",
      "primary": "false"

When finding a matching value in a complex attribute, matches of the value, $ref, type, and display sub-attribute values are given more weight when compared to values of other sub-attributes. This is done because the above sub-attribute values are typically unique for any given complex attribute.

Specifying attributes to return

By default, all attributes that the client is authorized to read will be returned when a resource is requested. Your application can provide special query parameters to override this behavior.

Parameter Description
attributes Indicates the set of attributes to include in the response. Takes a comma-separated list of attribute names. Extension schema attribute names must be prefixed with the extension schema URN.
excludedAttributes Indicates a set of attributes to exclude from the response. Takes a comma-separated list of attribute names. Extension schema attribute names must be prefixed with the extension schema URN.

The /Me endpoint

A special endpoint is available at /scim/v2/Me that acts as an alias for the currently authenticated user, the user associated with the bearer token.

For example, if the currently authenticated user is available via the path /scim/v2/Users/5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c, then the same user resource will also be available through /scim/v2/Me. The two paths are interchangeable, and the /Me endpoint can be substituted in any request path where the combination of resource type and identifier might otherwise be used.

This includes sub-resources. For example, for an authenticated user with the ID 5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c, the paths /scim/v2/Users/5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c/password and /scim/v2/Me/password both identify the user’s password sub-resource.

Filtering searches

Some but not all endpoints support an optional filter parameter for filtering responses containing multiple resources. As a rule of thumb, if a SCIM path returns a single resource, it does not support filtering. If it returns multiple resources, then it generally supports filtering. For example, /scim/v2/Users supports filtering, but /scim/v2/Users/{userId} does not.

SCIM filtering is described in detail by RFC 7644, section, and that should be considered an authoritative reference. The following discussion should not be considered exhaustive.

The value of the filter parameter is a search filter, which typically takes the form <attribute> <operator> <value>. For example:

filter=userName eq "pkd"

Search responses are always list responses, except in the case of an error.

The following attribute operators are supported:

Operator Description
eq equal
ne not equal
co contains
sw starts with
ew ends with
pr present
gt greater than
ge greater than or equal to
lt less than
le less than or equal to

The following logical operators are supported:


The following grouping operators are supported:

Operator Description
() Groups expressions to alter precedence.
[] Contains a filter expression to be applied to a complex attribute. See example below.

The following is a sample of filtering by a core attribute:

filter=userName eq "pkd"

The following is a sample of filtering by an extended attribute using the ‘starts with’ operator:

filter=urn:pingidentity:schemas:sample:profile:1.0:birthDate sw "1939"

The following is a sample of a complex filter:

filter=emails[value eq ""]

The following is a sample of a complex filter with two expressions:

filter=emails[value eq "" and type eq "work"]

For more information about searching with SCIM, including caveats, see the client developer guide.


The client can provide pagination parameters to page through search result sets.

Parameter Description
startIndex The 1-based index of the first query result.
count A non-negative integer specifying the maximum number of matching resources to return per page. If 0 is specified, then no resources will be returned, but the totalResults field will still indicate the number of matching resources.

Search Users with GET

Search Users with POST

Service metadata

The PingAuthorize Server provides three service metadata endpoints, ServiceProviderConfig, Schemas, and ResourceTypes, which clients may use to discover information about the service’s capabilities, configuration, schemas, and resource types.

Clients do not necessarily need to rely on the service metadata endpoints. Clients may be developed based on an out-of-band understanding of the service configuration and data.

READ SCIM service provider configuration

READ SCIM schemas

READ One SCIM schema

READ SCIM resource types

READ One SCIM resource type

User profile

The user profile endpoint exposes user attributes from the PingAuthorize Server’s user store as SCIM resources.

Note that the schemas used, the resource type, and the endpoint name may all be configured differently than shown here.

This guide assumes that the PingAuthorize Server is configured to serve user resources at the /scim/v2/Users endpoint. The information in this reference is applicable to any resource type, however.


READ Search Users (POST)

READ Search Users (GET)

READ One User

UPDATE All User attributes (PUT)

UPDATE Replace one or more User attributes (PATCH)

UPDATE Add a member to User attributes (PATCH)

UPDATE Remove a value from User attributes (PATCH)


Me endpoint

A special endpoint is available at /scim/v2/Me that acts as an alias for the currently authenticated user, the user associated with the bearer token.

For example, if the currently authenticated user is available via the path /scim/v2/Users/5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c, then the same user resource will also be available through /scim/v2/Me. The two paths are interchangeable, and the /Me endpoint can be substituted in any request path where the combination of resource type and identifier might otherwise be used.

This includes sub-resources. For example, for an authenticated user with the ID 5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c, the paths /scim/v2/Users/5caa81af-ec05-41ff-a709-c7378007a99c/password and /scim/v2/Me/password both identify the user’s password sub-resource.

READ One User (Me Endpoint)

UPDATE All User attributes (Me Endpoint)

UPDATE Replace one or more User attributes (PATCH) (Me Endpoint)

UPDATE Add a member to User attributes (PATCH) (Me Endpoint)

UPDATE Remove a value from User attributes (PATCH) (Me Endpoint)

DELETE a User (Me Endpoint)


Like all other responses, errors are returned as SCIM responses with a media type of application/scim+json.

Field Type Provided? Description
schemas array always SCIM schemas used in the error message. The schemas array will always include the value urn:​ietf:​params:​scim:​api:​messages:​2.​0:​Error to identify the message as an error. Other schema values may be present if Ping Identity-proprietary error fields are used.
status number always The HTTP status code of the error. This will always be in the 400 or 500 range.
scimType string An error code defined by RFC 7644, section 3.12.
detail string A human-readable error description. In some cases, this field may contain error messages received from the underlying data store.
    "schemas": [
    "scimType": "invalid_token",
    "status": 401,
    "detail": "Access token is expired or otherwise invalid."

Password update errors

If an error response is returned because of a password update failure, then an additional field will be provided under the urn:unboundid:scim:api:messages:2.0:PasswordUpdateError schema URN.

Field Type Provided? Description
passwordRequirements array An array of password quality requirements, which are rules that must be satisfied in order to successfully change a password. See here for a description of password quality requirements.
     "detail": "The provided new password cannot be the same as the current password or any password in the user's password history",
     "schemas": [
     "scimType": "invalidValue",
     "status": 400,
     "urn:pingidentity:scim:api:messages:2.0:PasswordUpdateError": {
         "passwordRequirements": [
                 "additionalInfo": "The provided new password cannot be the same as the current password or any password in the user's password history.",
                 "description": "The new password must not be the same as the current password.",
                 "requirementSatisfied": false,
                 "type": "notCurrentPassword"