This step associates a sign-on policy action with the new sign-on policy you created in Step 4. The POST /environments/{environmentId}/signOnPolicies/{policyId}/actions operation creates the sign-on policy action resource, which is associated with the sign-on policy ({policyId}) specified in the request URL.

PingOne supports several sign-on policy action types. To establish a Facebook username/password login flow, the type property for the action resource associated with the sign-on policy can be set to LOGIN.

For a sign-on action that supports Facebook, the sign-on policy action must include the property to specify the Facebook identity provider ID {providerId} that you created in Step 1.

In addition, it is highly recommended that a sign-on policy that supports Facebook also include the registration property to allow automatic account creation and account linking between the user’s Facebook account and the PingOne account. For details about the registration sign-on action and how it relates to account linking, see Sign on with identity provider.